

教学时间的长短, 主修和辅修, 课程, 地点和时间都会影响助学金资格. 访问 the sections below 有关详细信息, on how enrollment can affect students' finances.



Before the semester begins your Cost of Attendance (COA) is based on the expected enrollment of 12 or more credit hours (6 credit hours for 研究生 学生).  的n 2 weeks before the semester begins your COA will be based upon the actual number of credit hours in which you are enrolled.  如果你是 计划以不同的金额注册 除了预期的注册之外,您还需要完成 预期报名表格.


某些类型的经济援助和奖学金要求 全日制招生 为支付. 学生应该监控自己的 奖的需求 确保达到最低入学标准. 除了, many need-based awards require that the 学生资助办公室 take a "snapshot" of student enrollment levels as of a certain date.


的 University recognizes that circumstances may arise that require students to drop some or all of their classes.

  • 在学期开始前放弃所有课程;

    任何时候一个学生完全退出所有课程, the financial aid office will cancel all financial aid received for the term. 如果这个过程发生在学期开始之前, the student is typically entitled to at least a partial refund of University charges. 访问 http://ajx.chinajxcar.com/registrar/student-resources/registrationscheduling/withdraw 有关详细信息,.

  • 学期开始后放弃所有课程;

    如果学生在第一天的课程后完全退学, he or she will have to return a percentage of financial aid relative to the amount of the semester completed.

    如果发生这种情况, the office will return a portion of the federal aid money used to pay institutional charges (such as tuition, 费用, (或大学住房)以学生的名义. 有时这将使一些大学的费用无法支付, 这个学生需要支付这笔费用. 第二个, 如果学生直接收到联邦援助资金(作为退款), 例如)用于其他教育费用, 学生可能需要归还一部分钱. 的 amount due will appear on the student's bill in about 45 days after the withdrawal date.

    有关此过程的详细信息,请参阅我们的完整 第四章援助政策的回归.

  • 学期开始后退课:

    Financial aid recipients are required to complete 67% of the classes originally attempted. (见也 满意的学业进步政策.)如果学生的完成率低于67%, 他或她将丧失获得联邦财政援助的资格. It is critical to exercise discretion when deciding when to drop and add classes after the semester has already begun.

    Enrollment information is reported to the National Student Loan Data System, and previously borrowed loans may go into repayment if the student does not meet deferment criteria (半场招生).

    Pell grant recipients must attend all of their courses in order to keep the grant. Failure to attend all courses could result in a reduction of Pell grant funds.


Please be advised that federal regulations may prohibit students from receiving financial aid for repeating 课程. A student who has already taken a course and has questions whether financial aid will cover a repeat should contact the 学生资助办公室.


  • 如果我之前在一门课上得了“F”(不及格), how many times can I retake that course and still receive federal financial aid?

    • You may include any repetition of a course as long as you have never passed the course. If you previously passed the course, you may include one repetition after passing. Any second or subsequent repetition of the passed course may not be included in your enrollment status for the purpose of receiving federal financial aid.
  • 如果我第一次上一门课得了“F”, 然后我得了个"D", how many times can I take the course to improve the "D" grade and still received federal financial aid?
    • 一次. 如果你通过了这门课程,你可以在通过后再加一次复习. Any second or subsequent repetition of the passed course may not be included in your enrollment status for the purpose of receiving federal financial aid.
  • 如果我得了D, then I retook the course and received an "F" while receiving federal financial aid, 我可以第三次重修这门课程并获得资助吗?
    • No, because the course was already taken once and a passed grade was received. Federal aid helped pay for the course the second time, but it was failed. Federal aid will not cover the course for a third time in this situation, 因为它已经支付了一门通过的课程和一门复读课程.


学生 must make Satisfactory Academic Progress towards earning a degree as stipulated in the chart below to receive financial aid at ISU.


  • SAP is calculated annually after the spring semester following the student's first term of enrollment as a regular degree-seeking student or at the point of awarding aid as a degree-seeking student. Some additional non-degree students may be calculated for SAP based upon funding or program rules.
  • Courses taken at ISU and those taken elsewhere are counted as hours attempted regardless of grade assigned. This includes incompletes, failures, or withdrawals after the 7th day of class each term.
  • 检查 满意的学业进步(SAP)政策 了解更多信息.


学生 taking classes at another campus may be eligible to complete a consortium agreement - an agreement between two universities that allows students to use financial aid for concurrent enrollment. Note that most aid programs, including loans, have specific minimum enrollment requirements.

检查 联合体协议 策略获取更多信息和需求.

Failure to meet these requirements may result in loss of financial aid eligibility.


Most programs qualify for financial aid eligibility while students are studying abroad. Financial aid does not disburse to student accounts until 10 days prior to the education abroad class start date. 在夏季,它可以在学期前3天. 学生 will need to be prepared to make certain program payments in advance of receiving their financial aid.


  • 合作伙伴 - 澳门合法赌场官网 has a direct relationship with partner universities, 而且这些项目对学生来说通常成本更低, 大学直接收取费用.
  • 下属 - 的se are run by a third party and offer many locations, but at a higher cost. 学生 pay these programs directly, often using their financial aid refund.
  • 教师领导的实地考察不符合经济援助的条件.

检查 国外的教育 策略获取更多信息和需求.






8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.